PS4 Remote Play: how to stream PlayStation 4 games to your PS Vita - YouTube1、錄製培訓過程的恐怖分子 話說,有一夥穆斯林恐怖分子在計劃襲擊新澤西州的Fort Dix 軍事基地的時候,想出了一個“絕妙的好點子”:把整個培訓過程錄下來。 不知道他們是打算留念還是幹嘛,總之他們覺得這想法實在太讚了。於是立刻去一家商店買了攝影機,把在射擊場高呼打倒美國的整What's it like to play 'Battlefield 4' on a 5-inch screen? With Remote Play, you can stream PlayStation 4 games and play them on a PS Vita — and barring a few caveats, it works surprisingly well. Ross Miller shows how to set up PS4's Remote Play and provi...