Ultra Street Fighter IV最近,外國一個小哥火了... 話說,很多人在選擇餐廳的時候,都會習慣性地上網搜一下附近餐廳的點評, 今天我們要說的這個小哥,名叫 Oobah Butler,就是照片中間抱着雞傻笑的這個人, Oobah Butler是一個活躍在網絡上的紅人,以腦洞清奇著稱,他有很多奇怪的點Overview The Street Fighter® IV series evolves to a whole new level with Ultra Street Fighter® IV for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Continuing the tradition of excellence the series is known for, five new characters and six new stages have been added f...