Ultra Street Fighter IV 不知道大家平時有沒有看過日本恐怖片,要知道優醬小的時候,膽子算是比較大,沒事都會看看最新的恐怖片找找刺激。 儘管在精神上可能承受不住,但優醬還是對日本的恐怖故事好奇心滿滿。 畢竟這些都市傳說最吸引人的地方在於,你不能確定它只是嚇嚇Overview The Street Fighter® IV series evolves to a whole new level with Ultra Street Fighter® IV for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. Continuing the tradition of excellence the series is known for, five new characters and six new stages have been added f...