Take a walk through a Google data center – Data Centers – Google相信大家應該都有看過電影「全面啟動」Inception 吧!是否記得盜夢小隊裡的亞瑟在飯店裡利用了階梯錯覺的概念騙倒追逐他的防禦者?在幾何學中這個樓梯有個專有名詞叫做潘洛斯階梯 (Penrose stairs),來自於英國遺傳學家 Lionel Penrose 和他的數學家兒子 Roger PenrData Centers Search Data centers Inside look Street View Take a walk through a Google data center Google data center - Lenoir, North Carolina Watch a guided video tour of a Google data center From our networking room to the ......