Create structure array - MATLAB struct - MathWorks - MATLAB and Simulink for Technical Computing ▲詭異的血絲大眼盯著人看?(source : tapas,下同) 大家好我是皮耶編,各位有過作惡夢的經驗嗎?其實作夢多半反映著人平時的生活,可能因為壓力過大或是時時刻刻牽掛著某事,導致夜有所夢。馬來西亞恐怖漫畫大師K.S有一則跟夜晚有關的可怕故事,希望大家看完晚上不要做惡夢啊QAQ This MATLAB function creates a scalar (1-by-1) structure with no fields. ... Values within structure field, specified as a cell array or as a scalar, vector, or multidimensional array of any other data type. If none of the value inputs is a cell array, or...