Study in the UK, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia or New Zealand with Study Group2005年,美劇《越獄》火遍了全世界: 兩兄弟試圖越獄的種種過程讓觀眾看得驚心動魄, 拍攝時對懸念製造、人物性格的塑造、甚至拍攝角度及配樂調色都使得該劇在國內掀起了一股美劇熱潮! 而比這劇情更吸引廣大觀眾的,則是裡面的主角Michael Scofield。 該角色的扮演者WentworCelebrating 20 years of enabling international students to succeed ... A UK or English-speaking European education will give you the competitive edge in any career. Study Group pathway programmes are specially designed, university-recognised courses that ...