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Windows XP visual styles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ZARA HOME祝您母親節快樂,即日起禮物卡已於店內販售,絕對是餽贈親友最佳選擇。 母親節同時推出兩款限量花香調香氛:Sensual Blossom(優雅花季)與Sweet garden(甜蜜花園),提供室內香氛與蠟燭可更選擇。 Sensual Blossom(優雅花季) 以橙花為基調加入佛手柑Windows XP visual styles are customizations of the graphical user interface of Windows XP. "Luna", "Royale", "Zune", and "Embedded" are codenames of the official visual styles designed for Windows XP by Microsoft.[1] Since Windows XP, themes include the c...


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