Olympus Stylus 1 First Impressions Review: Digital Photography Review 翻拍自toments 天氣愈來愈熱,飲料旺季來了!各家手搖飲都在想競爭激烈的市場中脫穎而出,不僅要好喝,還要比創意和噱頭!之前有家奶茶業者,找來波濤洶湧的女模特兒宣傳,女模火辣的身材果然造成轟動,引發熱烈討論。許多網友都醉翁之意不在酒,只想到茶飲店看正妹。有網友貼出店家with a 1" sensor, it will all go back to the DSLR-sizes For me this Stylus 1 concept makes just sense: better IQ than all the rediculous 40x+ superzooms I seldomly go beyond 300mm only with a prime I might go 400mm on a DSLR (=50-200mm on an Olympus) for ...