不好笑,不要錢! 有點顏色
Subaru Impreza WRX STI | eBay - Electronics, Cars, Fashion, Collectibles, Coupons and More | e不好笑,不要錢!(有點顏色)吃掉一堆「人」!好久不見的三個死黨,阿花、志明和阿珠一起來個晚餐的約會。席間大嗓門阿花說:『我有一個同事最愛吃烏魚子了,因為他說吃一小口就能吃掉一堆魚真是!好爽』愛吐槽人的志明不以為然的說:『那麼我愛吃蛋,不就吃掉一整隻雞啦,嘿嘿!』這時一旁的阿珠,臉紅紅的低頭不語,好奇Find great deals on eBay for Subaru Impreza WRX STI in Impreza. Shop with confidence. ... Subaru simply does not know when to stop when it comes to the Impreza. While the regular version is impressive and the WRX brings high performance and great handling...