Subthreshold conduction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia你為了他忘了情人節生氣, 你為了他送的禮物不夠好而鬧彆扭, 你為了情人節,覺得他不好。 你把情人節,看得比他還要重要。 然而,終究節日只是點綴, 就像是蛋糕上的花樣, 讓蛋糕看起來可口誘人, 但真要嚐起來好吃,靠得還是內餡。 你會了蛋糕好看而買它一回, 但要是難下嚥,也不會給它第二次機會。 節日,也Subthreshold conduction or subthreshold leakage or subthreshold drain current is the current between the source and drain of a MOSFET when the transistor is in subthreshold region, or weak-inversion region, that is, for gate-to-source voltages below the t...