Subtitle Workshop says subtitle file is 'bad', but WHY? - forum.OpenSubtitles.org 戀愛跟婚姻的差別,很多人都說,熱戀時愛情可能是一時的衝動,而愛情的永恆根本不是這樣!那我們在談戀愛的時候,又怎麼知道這只是單純的熱戀,還是真愛呢?看看這15張圖,也許能透露一點端倪? 左:熱戀→在亂糟糟的時刻,他會鼓勵你 右:愛情→他會體諒你很累,主動幫你清掃 熱戀I guess it's unicode, change it to either ANSI or UTF-8 [edit] 1. Open your .srt file in the NotePad application (windows). 2. Go to the "File" drop-down menu and select "Save As...". 3. Your file name and file type will remain the same. However, under th...