There's No Such Thing as Unbiased Journalism, So Stop Pretending - Reason.com有一天和老公一起看電視,電視中女演員正在跳芭蕾舞。老公對我說:「老婆,妳也很適合跳芭蕾舞。」竊喜!心想::老公一定覺得我身材不錯。可是,我想讓他讚美得直接一點,於是沉住氣,繼續問他:「你為什麼覺得我適合跳芭蕾舞呀?」老公一本正經,並用很專業的語氣說道:「跳芭蕾舞的人,胸部不能太大。」It's unrealistic to expect that even the most conscientious journalist can wholly divorce his or her professional work from his or her philosophical positions. And even if that person were to put forth the sincerest effort possible, biases are likely to m...