such as and so on用法

There's No Such Thing as Unbiased Journalism, So Stop Pretending - Reason.com有一天和老公一起看電視,電視中女演員正在跳芭蕾舞。老公對我說:「老婆,妳也很適合跳芭蕾舞。」竊喜!心想::老公一定覺得我身材不錯。可是,我想讓他讚美得直接一點,於是沉住氣,繼續問他:「你為什麼覺得我適合跳芭蕾舞呀?」老公一本正經,並用很專業的語氣說道:「跳芭蕾舞的人,胸部不能太大。」It's unrealistic to expect that even the most conscientious journalist can wholly divorce his or her professional work from his or her philosophical positions. And even if that person were to put forth the sincerest effort possible, biases are likely to m...


Help children overcome problems such as abuse, learning problems, autism and more, Growing Up Easier耍小聰明 某人:「上帝啊!一百年對你來說算得了甚麼呢?」 上帝:「一百年就像一分鐘一樣。」 某人:「那麼,一百萬美金呢?」 上帝:「跟一個銅板差不多。」 某人:「好極了!上帝,借給我一個銅板怎麼樣?」 上帝:「我非常願意;不過,你稍等一分鐘35 brief, well organized chapters about Healing Practices have been written by 40 working practitioners who actively help children and youth. Healing Practices To Help Kids Grow Up Easier includes information on abuse, ADHD, Autism, Learning disabilities,...


Do Cryptocurrencies Such as Bitcoin Have a Future? - WSJ「豬」罵「馬」笨,馬沒吭聲,卻有旁人不服氣,於是罰豬不准叫一個月,豬只好改口稱馬「英明」。這是這兩天發生的最令人發噱的童話故事,聞者莫不捧腹。事情原委是萬寶投顧董事朱成志寫了一篇文章,叫「為笨總統上一堂信用交易課」,因文中出現兩個數據錯誤,於是挨主管機關金管會的罰。金管會裁罰朱成志停權一個月,期間禁Dozens of alternative currencies are currently in use. Demand for low-cost, fast transactions is one of the main forces driving interest. But so is pure speculation. ... Despite the mystery, the whiff of scandal, and general public unfamiliarity with the ...


英語語法網-最實用的英語語法大全,全面詳細介紹英語詞法與句法以及語法學習的重點、難點和考點你是正妹嗎? 之前跟家人玩免費的線上遊戲,那是很健康的活動,可以用腳踩舞墊,像DDR那一種,有一次遇到線上男性玩家搭訕,直接問我:妳是正妹嗎?我二話不說,也很很直接的回他,『那請問你是正男嗎?』【心得感想】如果不明白何謂正男,請去翻蠟筆小新來看。英語語法網為廣大英語語法愛好者介紹英語語法知識,提供英語語法研究素材,研究語法與閱讀翻譯以及寫作的關係 ... 謝謝您訪問本站,為更好地服務各位朋友,請配合作一下本調查!請問您是 我是初中生 我是高中生 我是大學生...


Esther's Legacy | For Such a Time as This…爸爸去買電蚊拍樓上加蓋鐵皮屋的工程嚴重落後,至今天..已蓋了四十餘天...家中老是有不認識的工人穿梭著,導致家裡的蚊子特別多...整個就很...we are family...因為蚊子太多...今天就和老爸去了五金百貨,想買一支電蚊拍來試試身手老爸不喜歡找東找西...一進門就跟店員講...把你們店裡This is where we live. This chapter is all about today. Not about what He did 2000 years ago. Not what we accepted when we came to Christ, but how we live in Christ today. Because, obviously, He did not take us home when we said, “I do”. So He expects som...


In Head-Hunting, Big Data May Not Be Such a Big Deal - The New York Times※結婚生子叫「配股」※嫁到有錢老公後立刻離婚叫「獲利了結」※嫁到沒錢老公後立刻離婚叫「停損殺出」※嫁到大男人主義老公喜怒由他叫「主力」,老婆叫「散戶」※嫁年輕老公叫「高檔套牢」※嫁年邁富翁叫「低檔承接」※選擇對象叫「選股」※剛開始交往,叫「試探行情」※訂婚叫「掛進」※結婚叫「成交」※結婚後離婚,被對We’re also observing people working together in different groups and have found that the average team size of any group at Google is about six people. So we’re trying to figure out which teams perform well and which don’t. Is it because of the type of peo...
