PERCENT 2014 PC 5th短TEE - 發售訊息
How is "for example" or "such as" introduced inside a sentence? 街頭潮流品牌 PERCENT 這次推出了五周年的紀念LOGO TEE,在中部地區擁有相當知名度的PERCENT也默默地邁入了第五個年頭,全新的品牌LOGO雖然簡約卻又不失特色,想必能夠造成品牌支持者的爭相搶購。 2 SUGGESTION: You can drop ‘in my life’ as that is clearly implied. You certainly didn’t have these dogs before you were born and you’re not going to have them after you die. You can also drop the word ‘one’ as it is not necessary. I have had many dogs, s...