such as example sentence

How is "for example" or "such as" introduced inside a sentence? 街頭潮流品牌 PERCENT 這次推出了五周年的紀念LOGO TEE,在中部地區擁有相當知名度的PERCENT也默默地邁入了第五個年頭,全新的品牌LOGO雖然簡約卻又不失特色,想必能夠造成品牌支持者的爭相搶購。         2 SUGGESTION: You can drop ‘in my life’ as that is clearly implied. You certainly didn’t have these dogs before you were born and you’re not going to have them after you die. You can also drop the word ‘one’ as it is not necessary. I have had many dogs, s...


using for example, for instance, e.g., eg, and such as in English writing on adidas Originals 今年推出的聯名企劃持續不間斷,這次攜手Club 75打造出單品不多但趣味十足的系列。來自巴黎,由三個朋友 Pedro ‘Busy P’ Winter、Michael Dupouy、So-Me 共同創立的品牌Club 75 這次搭上 adidas OriginalsLook at the last sentence with such as. Do you see anything different with this sentence as compared to the first three? ... Group 2: Phrases Used To Begin A New Sentence Usually only for example and for instance can begin new sentences. Each ......


use of "such as" and "for example" in the same sentence - WordReference Forums近日,各大時尚雜誌紛紛推出每年的重頭戲九月刊,其中出現在美版《Harper's BAZAAR》訂戶版封面的一個新面孔,就成為了時尚界的話題人物,她正是奧黛麗·赫本的孫女Emma Ferrer。為她掌鏡拍攝的攝影師Michael Avedon 來頭也不小,其祖父是赫本生前的好友、攝影大師RichardPlease so much, there is somebody who can tell me if it is correct to use together "such as" and "for example" as in the below example? At present, some companies, such as (name of campany) for example, also manufacture (name of the products). Thank ......


Use such as in a Sentence With such as Sentence Examples BABY-G ,為 CASIO 旗下的品牌,其設計專為女孩打造,活潑可愛、亮眼青春,不只外型吸引人,也兼具許多功能性:耐衝擊、太陽能、防水、背光照明和世界時間等等,讓女孩們都可以擁有多變風格的功能錶,還能搭配自己的穿搭!而今年是 BABY-G 的  20 週年,除了大力邀請到當紅的少女時Learn how to properly use such as in a sentence at Dictionary Thesaurus Word Dynamo Quotes Reference Translator Spanish Log In Sign Up Premium such as in a sentence Example sentences for such as Cleaning experts ......


Grammar Girl : "Like" Versus "Such As" :: Quick and Dirty Tips ™ 【 JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此 】 做為一本雜誌的門面,封面的重要性不言可喻,從主流的娛樂到時尚雜誌,每一期的封面也往往能輕易吸引許多人的關注與討輪,因此雜誌編輯們對於封面無不傾盡心力、絞盡腦汁,要用誰當封面人物?該怎麼引起話題提升銷量? 雖然邀請美美的明星或名模入鏡是個不太In contrast, because the such as phrase in the second example sentence is restrictive (essential), a comma doesn’t go there; in other words, “The clippings in Kristen’s Funny Writing box include topics” needs the additional “such as” phrase to complete th...


Such As Example Sentence - 相關圖片搜尋結果 今年秋天,Timberland 首度與日本潮流鞋履品牌RFW跨界聯名合作!美日設計DNA激盪出威震潮流界的重量級設計鞋款,Timberland 再次震撼你的視覺神經。 RFW (Rhythm Footwear),1998年由設計師鹿子木隆在日本潮流指標之都-東京涉谷所創立。他認為,舒適愉悅的節奏可...
