such as逗號

comma before 'such as' / 'like' [conjunction]: Burners such as A, B.. - WordReference Forums 美到「像仙女下凡」的正妹攝影師 小璇本名:      李晨穎 SharonYen 暱稱:         ★Ecru★  性別:Yes, you need some punctuation there. Remember that "e.g." means "for example." I'd punctuate it this way: "...are widely used in a variety of disciplines--e.g., geography, mining, computer vision, and model reconstruction." Note that I've dropped the "et...


Is a comma needed before or after "which" and "such as"? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange  娛樂中心/綜合報導 日本寫真女星西田麻衣還在發育期,胸部出道後還從G罩杯長到I罩杯,雖然上圍傲人,但她身高才158公分,確實大過了頭,且穿內衣時根本關不住胸前風景,頻頻從旁邊跑出來見客!近來網路上流傳西田麻衣的新寫真,但不管是穿著可愛的泳衣、性感內衣或是鏤空毛線衣,都藏不住西Is a comma needed before the word "which" and "such as" in the following examples? Ethical clearance was essential which was obtained very early in the research process....


Commas : Must a comma always precede the phrase “such as”? If not, what is the rule for ...原來魔戒是.....!!! Q. Must a comma always precede the phrase “such as”? If not, what is the rule for when there should be a comma? A. You need a comma if what follows is nonrestrictive. Our Q&A has devoted much space to this issue; if you type “restrictive” into the search ...


what does a comma in a math equation mean (such as i/h=a, h>a) 倒車請注意 這真是個妹子哦(≧∇≦)// “早就說過不能放我一個人在宿舍” 谁愿意陪我? 前方路途險惡,抓緊時間和水瓶座天荒地老才是正經事。 這就是愛。 這就是性福。 鬧摸美 我是一塊大理小粑粑 不想去洗臉 像一杯酒像一首老歌。 原地址查看 贏家請你吃夜宵 '小Askville Question: what does a comma in a math equation mean (such as i/h=a, h>a) : Education & Reference ... It means that the first equation ends and a second related relationship is coming next. Since h must be greater than a, that limits the combinati...


Comma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一位俄國男子為了證明俄國女生都幽默風趣而且從不說不,問了一堆女路人願不願意讓他摸胸部。 結果有超過1000個女生答應了,以下是部分圖... The comma ( , ) is a punctuation mark that appears in several variants in various languages. It has the same shape as an apostrophe or single closing quotation mark in many typefaces, but it differs from them in being placed on the baseline of the text. S...
