suffer from jet lag 意思

Mars explorers may suffer never-ending jet lag | Science! | Geek.com黑社會殺人As recently as a few decades ago, any sort of whining about sleep was seen as just that: whining. It’s actually only fairly recently that scientists have appreciated the full importance of good, regular sleep, and in particular the deep biological basis f...


Jet Lag: Learn the Symptoms and Get Prevention Tips原來小叮噹原籍中國Get information about jet lag causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment. Learn how to minimize the effects of travel across time zones with some helpful tips and solutions. ... Besides fatigue and insomnia, a jet lag sufferer may experience a number of ...


No-Jet-Lag - Product Specifications.英國餐廳的吸煙區How no-jet-lag is manufactured and what ingredients are in no-jet-lag including inactives. ... NO-JET-LAG:PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS No-Jet-Lag is available in 32-tablet strip packet and is packaged in premises inspected by a regulatory authority to ensure th...


A Little Jetsetter In The Making - Coping With Baby Jet Lag 怎麼了?小紅帽(貓)剛走,小紅鞋就緊跟著來......  Baby jet lag is a concern many parents have about traveling with kids - will time changes and jet lag affect their child's routine and sleeping patterns? ... Coping with time changes and jet lag in babies and young children. Baby jet lag is a big concern ...


Family Travel Tips: Jet Lag and Babies, Toddlers, and Kids羅馬不是一天造成的Jet Lag and Babies, Toddlers, and Kids Go up After the flight itself, the idea of crossing time zones with a baby or toddler is one of the biggest worries for most parents. Before our first trip with our infant son I scoured my sleep books and the web loo...


Modafinil ( Provigil )很可愛的喔~Modafinil is a mood-brightening and memory-enhancing psychostimulant which enhances wakefulness and vigilance. ... THE GOOD DRUG GUIDE "...modafinil ('Provigil', 'Alertec', 'Vigicer', 'Modalert', etc) is a memory-improving and mood-brightening psychostimu...
