Shirt and Tie Combinations For A Black Suit | Be Stylish! Blog作者:狄仁六個人公眾號:direnliu 1. 知乎上有個話題: 「有哪些比 '我愛你 ' 更戳心的表白?」 3200條回答里,有一位名為賈政謹的用戶評論最為打動我,他說: "以前不懂事的時候和女朋友經常吵架,每一次她都摔門出走,但沒多久又回來,我有點討厭她這一點。後來不在一起了,提起她當年的任性,luth s. saavedra jr.: luth s. saavedra jr.: i have my black suit and lilac long sleeves, what color of necktie should i wear? Hey, It depends on where you want to wear it. If it’s a business meeting, try a purple tie (maybe one with black or white stripes...