Glossary of Statistical Terms - Statistics at UC Berkeley | Department of Statistics 你只看到鰲拜的狂, 卻不懂拜月的傷。 誤會 前段時間, 國產動畫《大護法》熱映, 劇中主角太子, 黑長髮,濃眉毛,絡腮鬍… 不少影迷驚呼: 這莫不是我教主徐錦江? 《大護法》導演不思凡公開F Factorial. For an integer k that is greater than or equal to 1, k! (pronounced "k factorial") is k×(k−1)×(k−2)× …×1. By convention, 0! = 1. There are k! ways of ordering k distinct objects. For example, 9! is the number of batting orders of 9 baseball p...