BMW M5測試照曝光 新底盤更輕
Exadata Database Machine | Oracle - Oracle | Hardware and Software, Engineered to Work Together 據國外媒體指出在美國西南部的Mojave沙漠捕捉到新一代BMW M5,其正面車頭照也預告將採全新的外型設計。 新一代M5的前保險桿設計與一般5系列房車將不太一樣,頭燈處除了換上採用LED光源的經典Bimmer燈組,車尾也配置了左右四出排氣尾管,搭配胎框制動組。 新一代MThe Oracle Exadata Database Machine is engineered to be the highest performing and most available platform for running the Oracle Database. ... The Right Choice Learn why Oracle Exadata is the right choice for database applications and deployments, includ...