Sung Kang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia JK果然是很美好的存在吧~~~別說是同輩的男生了,哪怕是大叔也會克制不住自己的身體啊!!!就在不久前...在日本的電車上又發生了一件「露大鳥」的猥瑣事件...但這一次有一點特別...... !!JK:「就在我抬頭的時候...欸?!!糟糕!這絕對是變態吧!!太恐怖了....」(礙於尺度..Life and career Kang was born Gainesville, Georgia, to South Korean immigrants. [2] He is married to Miki Yim. [3] His first major role was in Better Luck Tomorrow, in which he played Han, an aloof gang member. He was one of the stars in The Motel, in whi...