sunny snsd ugly

SNSD Funny Moments - YouTube 欣賞美女的臉蛋和身材的同時,你有沒有注意到一個細節:牆!美女身靠牆,或者周圍有牆的時候,那個牆壁,總是有些不對勁!來玩大家來找茬吧,看看還有哪裡彎了~~~~把臉都P成錐子,把身材都P得有夠誇張得肉緊,但參照物這種,都不考慮下??XDDD~ 圖文來源★★ALL INFOS IN HERE★★ Hier sind nur ein paar Lustige Videos von SNSD! Here are just a couple of funny videos form SNSD! Ich hoffe es gefällt euch ♥ ^-^ I hope you enjoy it ♥ ^-^ ---- Part 2 : Part 3 : http://www.yo...


SNSD - The Boys English lyrics | 舊的一年快結束了,新的一年也即將到來,桌上的月曆是不是也翻到終頁了呢?也是該買新月曆的時候。但不管怎麼買,挑來挑去還是挑不中意的嗎?現在,你有更好(羞)的選擇!因為,正所謂只有日本人才能超越日本人(誤),瘋狂的日本人竟然設計出這樣的超強月曆....它就是小褲褲月曆!最猛的是,你使用的時候,一定恨不Stephanie Dp She has good personality of course, how do you know if she has bad attitude? She is very funny, and take care of all member. Ugly? She is gorgeous! She can't sing? Her voice I Think better than Yoona, Yoona has a smooth voice, but Hyoyeon has...


Watch Korean, Japanese, Chinese, Hong kong Drama and Movies here ! - Dramastyle 藝人雞排妹今天在臉書PO文: 身為被批評只會賣肉、演藝圈亂源的我 。利用裸露來宣傳的時間到了 。請多分享喲。《7號市長包》是《嬌蕉包》出的 ,每個人都是行動宣傳站 。接下來宣傳割闌尾V計劃!想當割闌尾志工、捐物資請點進下列網址 。割闌尾計畫自今年四月誓師成Watch to Korean, japanese , Chinese , Hong kong , Taiwanese Drama , TV Series and Movie. Find fans of video_title by , discuss dramastyle. ... Murphy's Law of Love - 莫非,?就是?情 2015 video source from What happens when true love meets Murphy’s Law?...


Girls’ Generation (SNSD) before & after? (圖來源)         白靜其人 青年演員白靜,出生於遼寧,畢業於中央戲劇學院,曾出演《血色湘西》、《滾滾血脈》、《見龍卸甲》、《功夫·詠春》等多部電影、電視劇,還在多部話劇、兒童劇及音樂劇中有精彩表almost all of them undergo a plastic surgery, right? anyways, it just seems to be normal for the koreans. though i still prefer the natural beauty. haha :)) honestly, majority of their members are ugly. sorry, but its my opinion. on the other hand i like ...
