Urban Dictionary: dude 控制細分為四種: 1、硬控制,通過提要求、監視、獎罰、嘲笑、羞辱、批評、教育、引導、辱罵、毆打、“講道理”(尤其是當對方根本講不過你的時候)、要挾、威脅、恐嚇、製造社會輿論、強制等手段控制對方; 2、軟控制,通過依賴、討好、示弱、耍小孩子脾氣(撒嬌、耍賴、使性子)、&ldqA word that americans use to address each other. Particularly stoners, surfers and skaters. ... 1) Originally, “dude” meant a stuck up person who dressed overly well. It first emerged in the year 1883 in England. 2) Later it was used in the old west to me...