2013 Super Bowl - Super Bowl XLVII - NFL.com兩家企業公司的王總經理和李總經理是非常好的朋友,常常聚在一起互吐心聲,也常一起吃喝玩樂,有一天,兩人又約了見面互訴得意與失意的事情。 王總見到李總,一臉沮喪的神情,就問李總:「到底最近發生了什麼事情?怎麼臉色這麼難看?」 李總嘆口氣說:「唉,昨天是我的生日,我的女秘書請我去她家,A great week in New Orleans is in the books for the Around The League crew. Gregg Rosenthal breaks down some of his favorite moments from his week covering Super Bowl ... Relive all of the dramatic and incredible moments from one of the most epic Super .....