2013 Super Bowl - Super Bowl XLVII - NFL.com分手時,你可以不要問嗎 分手時,沉默是最好的問題,最圓滿的答案。戀愛是甜蜜的,分手是難免的。誰不是痛過幾次,哭過幾次,才找到最後的愛。分手是必經的,但有些問題不必問1.不要問:為什麼要分手?無論答案是甚麼,都是你難以接受的原因。2.不要問:你有沒有愛過我?愛過如何,未愛過又如何,總之這一刻就是不愛。A great week in New Orleans is in the books for the Around The League crew. Gregg Rosenthal breaks down some of his favorite moments from his week covering Super Bowl ... Relive all of the dramatic and incredible moments from one of the most epic Super .....