【G-SHOCK STORE】 TAIPEI 歡慶一周年 金身潑點限量錶款 盡顯東方水墨之美
Super Junior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia G-SHOCK STORE, TAIPEI 歡慶一周年 金身潑點限量錶款 盡顯東方水墨之美 G-SHOCK STORE, TAIPEI為慶祝開立滿一周年,特地推出全台限量販售70隻的一周年錶款GA-110GDTW-9A,精心打造純手工潑點之獨特包裝,帶來專屬台灣的周年紀念腕錶。此次G-SHOCK Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어; Syupeo Junieo) is a South Korean pop group. Formed in 2005 by producer Lee Soo-man of S.M. Entertainment, the group comprised a total of thirteen members at its peak. Super Junior originally debuted with twelve members, consis...