Super Mario 63 - Newgrounds.com — Everything, By Everyone話說在美國某小鎮上,有一位老郵差要退休了 鎮上每戶人家知道此事後, 紛紛在老郵差最後一次送信?? 送給他一分精緻的退休禮物. 老郵差就這麼沿著舊徑離情依依地送著信, 滿心溫情地收下禮物. 當他送到史密斯家時, 史密斯夫人熱情地招呼This game is really great, and an awesome platformer, but it could use a little bit of improvement. Also, as soon as I entered the castle the game broke and I lost all of my progress, but other than that it's great! Nice job Runouw....