Super Mario Galaxy 2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 航空公司一架班機正飛往機場途中,突然看到機長迅速往機尾方向跑去,然後拿著一根緊急狀況用的斧頭往駕駛倉跑回去.....數位見義勇為的乘客發現機長氣喘如牛又汗流浹背,於是上前說:『機長!是不是遇到歹徒劫機!?需要我們幫忙嗎?』機長:『沒有歹徒劫機,你們請回座繫好安全戴,最好穿Super Mario Galaxy 2 (スーパーマリオギャラクシー2, Sūpā Mario Gyarakushī Tsū?) is a platforming video game developed by Nintendo EAD and published by Nintendo for the Wii. It was first announced at E3 2009 and is the sequel to Super Mario Galaxy. It was released in No...