World 4 (New Super Mario Bros.) - Super Mario Wiki, the Mari ...前一陣子,台灣吹起了美艷主播風,各家電視台無不聘請既專業又美艷的主播,讓觀眾可以有聽覺及視覺上的享受! 然而這一切為的就是讓收視率可以直直的攀升,因此現在主播台上的主播堪稱有model的外型,那到底是不是這樣呢? 就讓J編帶大家看看囉..... 中天主播-劉盈秀 圖片來源:劉盈秀粉絲團 World 4 is an alternate world found in the game New Super Mario Bros. This world is mainly jungle-based, and features a type of purple colored toxic water, which kills Mario and Luigi with a single touch - regardless of what form they take. This world is ...