[影音] 甩尾車手指定使用--ACC uphase愛克菲斯賽車機油
World 4 (New Super Mario Bros.) - Super Mario Wiki, the Mari ...透過甩尾冠軍車手-王昱仁與郭翰霆的競賽使用心得,讓大家對ACC機油有更充分的了解,兩位車手都給予這款機油相當高的評價。 愛克菲斯賽車石油,以獨特配方所研發的各種高品質潤滑油。流動性極佳、超高黏度範圍、優秀抗耐磨熱能力。在剪力安定性測試中,表現出絕佳的黏度保持特性,即使在高轉速及激烈嚴苛駕駛環境下World 4 is an alternate world found in the game New Super Mario Bros. This world is mainly jungle-based, and features a type of purple colored toxic water, which kills Mario and Luigi with a single touch - regardless of what form they take. This world is ...