Hoodman Super Hoodskin LCD Screen Protector | Outdoor Photo Gear | Pro Photography Gear, Tripods and ▲這是異國戀的一對組合。(source:1960.cx,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~ 台灣的男生都對俄羅斯的女子有一種美好的嚮往存在,因為俄羅斯的女生通常都又美又賢慧,而且還非常體貼,不論台灣或中國男生只要娶到俄羅斯女孩都會深深引以為傲。 根據1960.cx報導,這位俄羅斯正妹為了與Protect the LCD of your cameras and camcorders with the Hoodman Super Hoodskin LCD Screen Protector. Easy to apply and remove, these clear screens have no-adhesive positive ion mounting. Two optically clear skins per pack. Available in two sizes: For 3 .....