Steve Thayer | Facebook自發布以來,Siri仿佛一時間成了大眾情人,許多果粉對這個聲線優美的女性加以浮想聯翩,甚至言語「調戲」。 Siri 究竟是什麼模樣? 許多網友猜測,她或許像瑪雅一樣的純情高雅↓ 或是像莫妮卡那般 風情萬種,迷得男人神魂顛倒Steve Thayer is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Steve Thayer and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the... ... Freedom is Never Free- Unknown Author Like I said many times in a fire fight, IT DONT MEAN ......