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Superstar K - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ▲電影中的穿幫鏡頭,你有抓到嗎?(sourse : brightside,下同) 在電影中有時同一個場景並非同一時間連續拍攝,因此工作人員必須記錄下場景中的道具如何擺設,但有時忙中出錯,就搞出許多好笑的烏龍了。根據brightside分享,這裡就有7張知名電影中出錯的場景,看了實在讓人捧腹大笑。 Superstar K (Korean: 슈퍼스타 K) is a South Korean television talent show series which is held yearly. First held in 2009, Superstar K has increasingly gained more attention, considered the biggest audition program in South Korea. Superstar K's concept involv...


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