System V Interface Definition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia左圖截自批踢踢,右圖轉自totallyme下同 男女第一次約會通常都是男生來安排行程的 不過光是「吃」這個環節可能就讓男生傷透腦筋 到哪吃,順不順路,好不好吃這些都是問題 深怕哪個環節出錯讓女伴心理面偷偷扣分 有網友在PTT提出了疑問 「請問女生們,如果男生初次約會時,帶你們去吃路邊攤,會扣分嗎?」The System V Interface Definition (or SVID) is a standard that describes the AT&T UNIX System V behavior, including that of system calls, C libraries, available programs and devices. While it was not the first attempt at a standardizations document (the i...