坦克也能拍賣!? 這也太酷炫了!!!
Swap.com - Swap, sell and buy pre-owned kids' itemsJacques Littlefield(1949-2009) 出生於加利福尼亞州的舊金山, 自幼喜愛坦克的他收集了許多坦克和各種軍用車輛,加上自己是個富二代,這樣的收藏對他來說完全大丈夫。他是全球最知名的坦克私人藏家,藏有許多冷戰時期的戰術車輛。拍賣公司Auctions America最近將他的藏品Online consignment store for baby and kids' items. The convenience of shopping at Amazon with the ease of selling items at a local thrift store. ... Log in with Facebook We will never post anything without your permission Benefits Sell and Swap your items...