Sweet Child O Mine chords & tabs by Guns N Roses @ 911Tabs在役男「體格檢查」現場,小楊使出渾身解數,企圖矇混過關。…檢查“視力”時,他裝可憐,向醫師訴苦說,自己神經、神經上都有問題,至於視力方面,那問題更大!…先是指出圖型的缺口,小楊故作姿態,推說:「偶看不清楚」、甚至於:「偶看不到!」醫師心裡有數,叫小Choose and determine which version of Sweet Child O Mine chords and tabs by Guns N Roses you can play. Last updated on 05.08.2015 ... Image uploaded! Thank you for uploading background image! Our moderators will review it and add to the page. Oops......