How to remove start.sweetpacks.com from IE and Google Chrome step by step - YouTube話說男生最討厭跟這樣的女生啪啪啪。 我已累的不行,你卻面無表情?! 不求你坐上來自己動,起碼也不要一動不動! 據說,83%的離婚都是性生活不和諧造成的,而元兇往往只有一個字:懶 可作為成年人,天天都要上班啊。搞不好還要加班啊。每天Start.sweetpacks.com is a kind of tricky browser hijacker virus. When you search the internet, sweetpacks malware will always bring you to the same windows of its pages and you cannot reach the page that you want to search.For example:http://start.sweetpa...