Silversun Pickups - Panic Switch Lyrics | MetroLyrics 日前在網路上瘋傳一段惡搞艾瑪華森的驚嚇影片,自從這部短片曝光後可說是立刻受到妙麗粉絲極大關注。原本在影片中好端端接受採訪Emma Watson,在不知情的狀態下,雙手開始不安分遊走在深V的頸肩部位,就在這短短幾秒鐘的時間,Emma Watson的臉竟然瞬間崩壞變成另一位哥倫比亞性感女星Sofia Lyrics to 'Panic Switch' by Silversun Pickups. Time / It's never worth my time / Blue shine / Bleeds into my eyes / I still / Sleep on the right side / Of the ... Time It's never worth my time Blue shine Bleeds into my eyes I still Sleep on the right side...