Amazon.com: Flaming River FR1002 The Little Battery Disconnect Switch: Automotive 時過境遷,如今的她們或嫁作人婦退出娛樂圈,有的成功轉行,還有的則繼續活躍在娛樂圈中,今天一床情書便來扒一扒20大大港台美豔女星之今昔對比照。 1.李麗珍 代表作:《蜜桃成熟時》《愛的精靈》等 現狀:90年代末憑藉《千言萬語》奪得金馬獎影后成功轉型,目前仍然活躍在演藝圈,2014年主演The Little Switch is rated at 100 amps continuous service and 500 amps for 10 second surges making it ideal for street rods, classics and passenger cars. In addition to preventing battery drain, this unique switch is also a cost effective anti-theft devic...