Emma Watson變身Sofia Vergara,GIF秘密揭曉
Anatomy of Switching Power Supplies | Hardware Secrets大家應該都已經被Emma Watson掀開臉皮變身哥倫比亞性感尤物Sofia Vergara的GIF嚇過了吧?雖然做得還蠻逼真,但Emma的頭髮和脖子這兩大破綻還是印證了大家對“合成製作”的猜想。 這段在各大社交網站熱傳的動態圖片其實是網友curveballbe 的Introduction Power supplies used on the PC are based on a technology called “switching mode” and thus are also known as SMPS, Switching Mode Power Supplies (DC-DC converter is another nickname for switching mode power supplies). In this tutorial we will ....