Canon U.S.A. : Consumer & Home Office : PowerShot Cameras 最近,日本ins上有位叫Miwako的姑娘 成為了很多男生的理想妻子! ▼ 不是長得有多漂亮, 也不是身材有多好, 而是Miwako有一手好廚藝, 但Miwako很少在ins上記錄料理本身。 ▼ 那大家是怎麼知道 Miwako超級會做飯的呢? Canon's point-and-shoot Digital ELPH Cameras are easy to use and boast an array of helpful shooting modes, creative features and advanced functions in an incredibly ... You'll quickly discover that the easiest way to capture a great image is to simply "po...