sx1 hx1

1080p HD video comparison: Panasonic GH1 vs Canon EOS 5D Mark II vs Canon PowerShot SX1 IS vs Sony C剛剛去買滷味當午餐在我前面有一對母子她們夾完菜交給老闆後兒子跟他媽媽講了悄悄話他媽媽就跟老闆講:「老闆,速度,速度阿」老闆聽了很緊張,手腳有點恍亂速度加快許多 但媽媽還是說:「老闆阿,還是沒有速度阿」老闆聽了更急了變的超恍張手忙腳亂我在後面看還真怕他突然就這樣走了老闆快速滷好後交給那對母子後說:「對Informal 1080p HD video comparison: Panasonic GH1 vs Canon 5D Mark II vs Canon SX1 IS vs Sony HX1 Many of today’s digital cameras boast High Definition movie recording, and many of them look pretty good. But how do they really compare against each ......


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX1 review: design, controls, lens, stabilisation, screen, menus, drive modes | 話說肚子好點之後(不再拉肚子了),女友提議天冷吃個火鍋吧於是我們去吃三媽臭臭鍋,我心裡想點個青菜豆腐鍋好了因為那也是蠻清淡的東西,載著女友帶著愉快的心情出發到了目的地後,女友很貼心叫我先坐好,畢竟我的肚子才剛好女友問了我要點甚麼我:「那我吃青菜豆腐鍋好了,千萬不要點泡菜鍋,那也有點辣」女友:「恩,我The focal ratio of f2.8-5.2 is roughly the same as rival super-zooms, although a little brighter at the telephoto end than the f5.7 of the Canon SX10 IS / SX1 IS. The closest focusing distance of 1cm sounds impressive, but is actually par for the course w...


Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX1 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech new有兩個人,當然是一男一女...認識之後,瞬間就認為彼此是自己的將來,很快的就墜入了愛河...兩天後... 在高雄被打撈起來了.......Trade-offs abound in Sony's Cyber-shot DSC-HX1 megazoom. Though it's fast and has some really novel, useful features, it just doesn't deliver the photo quality ......


Sony DSC HX1 Review - Digital Cameras : Digital SLRs : Camera Lenses三個男人正在酒吧中討論他們買給自己老婆的禮物。第一個男人說:「我買了一個可以在六秒內從0到100的東西」另兩個男人不知道他指的是什麼,所以他揭露答案:「我買給我老婆一台相當不錯的保時捷」第二個男人也說:「我買了個可以在四秒內從0到100的東西。」「那一定是法拉利,對吧?」「答對了!我買給我老婆一台相The Sony Cybershot DSC HX1 is one of the most advanced digital cameras you will find. Manual controls, a fast burst mode and HD movies are all included. My review takes you through the features and picture quality....


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Digital Bridge Camera Deals, Reviews, Information and more... - Part 2今天在公司上班的時候跟同事無聊的玩起 哈利波特的角色扮演遊戲兩個大男人騎著掃把拿著小木棍大喊 去去武器走哇呾喀呾啦! 撕淌三步殺之類的智障遊戲結果可能玩的太起勁 經理走到我身後完全都沒發覺猛然一回頭看到我經理的眼神冷酷的眼神我跟我同事嚇到不敢說話結果經理走了兩步後緩緩的說: 葛來分多 扣50分!葛來Canon PowerShot SX1 IS Top, top specs and features in a premium quality digital bridge camera – Worth Considering. With a 20x wide-angle zoom for incredible reach, the Canon PowerShot SX1 IS offers continuous shooting up to 4fps. Supplement photos with Fu...
