Lexus+Rocket Bunny 寬體RC350登場
Sydney Uni app - The University of Sydney 【童國輔/報導】除了RC F外,Lexus針對SEMA Show還推出另外一款以RC350為基礎所打造的改裝車,且改裝幅度比RC F更大。大家是否還記得2013年SEMA改裝車展,一輛Scion FR-S以一套誇��的Rocket Bunny寬體套件引起轟動,而這部RC350 F SPORT也是搭Sydney Uni app Stay up to date with the Sydney Uni app. With your phone in hand you’ll be able to find your nearest ATM or bus stop, see what’s happening on campus and keep up with the latest news. You can also easily access Blackboard, search for books i...