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Syfy - Official Site 一個人的生活,經常被調侃為「單身狗」。但其實,差別來自於心態。插畫師Yaoyao Ma Van就創作了一系列表現單身生活的漫畫,充滿陽光、積極的正能量:   新的一天,新的選擇     計劃下一次冒險     認識一群新朋友   &nbsChannel specializing in science fiction, horror, and fantasy....


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Sci-Fi Channel Original Movies list - Listal - List the stuff you love! Movies, TV, music, games and    在荊棘之上, 開出一片花來。   Celine Farach   都說男生愛看美女是天性, 其實女生比男生更愛看美女, 非凡君最近就被這個姑娘迷花了眼。       天使般的面孔, 膩死人的笑顏。    A list of Sci-Fi Channel (or Syfy Channel) Original movies, for the sake of collecting them. Now includes both the movies and the TV movies. Also includes films produced for Syfy, but not films they purchased or acquired the license for after the...


Sci-Fi Channel - Anime News Network ▲竟然丟掉男人的寶物啊啊?!(source: YouTube,此為示意圖)   大家好我是云編~ 情侶交往後,有時儘管雙方努力,還是會走向分手的道路。這時候如何處理前男/女友留下來的東西就成了一門學問。有些人會全部丟掉,一了百了,而有些人覺得還有可以用的東西,那就留著,不然也是浪費。最近Today, after years of different ownerships by Seagram and Vivendi, the Sci-Fi Network is currently a subsidiary of NBC Universal. Aside from classic sci-fi and horror movies, as well as reruns of sci-fi shows, the network airs original programming such as...
