symantec sepm upgrade

sepm upgrade query | Symantec Connect Community這是 ?? Hi, Thank you for posting in Symantec community. I would be glad to answer your query. Latest Symantec version is SEPM 12.1 RU4 MP1a. Latest release details are available here: Upgrade process is very straightforward, refer the follow...


SEPM upgrade | Symantec Connect Community 夫妻放育嬰假眾,因此丹麥各項慢跑比賽,規定父母可帶嬰兒車參加,慢跑嬰兒車大賣,當然避震成為主軸,否則育嬰變成震嬰了。 Hi Venkatesh, At the present moment, SEP 11 RU7 clients can upgrade to SEP 12.1 without any problem. To upgrade the SEPM, please wait a week or two fro the forthcoming SEP 12.1 RU1. It will be possible to upgrade the SEPM directly from RU7 to SEP 12.1 ......


SEPM 11.0.5 to 12.1.4a Upgrade Prerequisites | Symantec Connect Community沒說清楚的下場就像這樣....悲劇阿! I'm looking through to see what needs to be done before I upgrade my SEPM. I only have a single W2k3 server w/SQL 2005 running on it as the database so don't have to hassle ......


SEPM and SEP upgrade to MP1 from MR5 - Experts Exchange - The network for technology professionals.沒有比這更環保的資源回收桶了....I understand that I will need to upgrade to RU6a first and then apply RU6 MP1. My question is if I upgrade the Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager to RU6a and then update that to MP1. Can I just create client packages after the SEPM update and then push ...
