Northrop T-38 Talon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia阿桃和阿國是辦公室裡的一對寶,常常喜歡鬥嘴,平常沒事就「吐槽」 對方。 某日,阿桃請阿國順路載她一程,好說歹說,阿國還是答應了。 到了停放機車的地方,阿桃看到阿國的機車又破又爛,忍不住又丟出一 句:「拜託!這麼破又爛的機車幹嘛還要上鎖!」 阿國瞪大眼睛看著阿桃輕蔑The Northrop T-38 Talon is a two-seat, twin-engined supersonic jet trainer. It was the world's first supersonic trainer and is also the most produced. The T-38 remains in service as of 2016 [update] in several air forces. The United States Air Force (USAF...