Wacoal Women's Front Close T-Back Bra #65124 at Amazon Women’s Clothing store: Bras 靠北老公原文:我要靠北我老公晚上臭小子睡了,老公也進房準備睡覺忽然他說他是油條,他要找燒餅一起睡他要被溫暖的夾住,我頓時害羞了一下,想說是在約我嗎?輕輕打了他一下,說好冷喔~快來吧!結果他用一臉你在說什麼啊的表情在摺他的被子,只見他把被子舖好對折成長方形(他自己睡單人床) 然後躲進去把自己整個包起Shop the latest styles of Wacoal Women's Front Close T-Back Bra #65124 at Amazon Women’s Clothing Store. Free Shipping+ Free Return on eligible item ... I had a heck of a time trying to find a bra that would not slip off my shoulders, and would support my...