T-Plan: the fast start to Technology Roadmapping. Planning your route to success 變性人,俗稱“人妖”,在泰國,大量存在的變性人來自社會的各個階層, 各個年齡段。 變性人在泰國的存在顛覆了很多國家,尤其是西方國家的正統思想以及道義, 許多國家覺得變性是一種不正常不能被接收的東西。 泰國人妖是一個神秘的群體,“她們”嬌The T-Plan workbook offers step-by-step guidance on applying technology and product roadmapping in your organisation using the minimum of resources. This 124-page guide covers all aspects of the process including: Roadmapping is a key technology managemen...