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一軍試合速報|試合情報|阪神タイガース公式サイト我的手機呢???有童鞋經歷過的請自覺轉走!~   阪神タイガースの球団オフィシャルサイト。試合速報や選手名鑑、チケット情報、グッズの販売など。 ... ※タイガースの試合をリアルタイムで速報します。 ※このページは2分毎に自動更新されます。 ※7時30分更新...


Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) - FIFA.com這是我所見過的最棒的檢討書,來源待考證,據說來自福州倉山某重點小學。很可愛的孩子,邏輯嚴密,善於寫排比,論證,設問,反問,收尾超有力。。   The fitting culmination to what was, in the eyes of most observers, the quintessential FIFA World Cup tournament. This match had all the ingredients of a great final - goals, end-to-end football and star players. In the end, Pele, Jairzinho and Carlos Alb...


Demigod - Official Site人生最鬱悶的四件事: 尿尿吡一鞋… 喝湯灑一襠… 放屁崩出屎… 擦腚摳破紙… 人生最尷尬的四件事:在朋友家拉屎… 沒紙… 在朋友家拉屎… 有紙… 沒水沖… 在朋友家拉屎&heA God Has Fallen The all father has vanished, creating an opening in the pantheon. To fill the void, Demigods from across from the mortal world must wage war against one another in a bid to ascend to true godhood. Demigod is a real-time, tactical strategy...


osu! - Official Site看到這個,好震精。難道這就是傳說中的叼那星,星發克,我當時就內牛滿面了。。。   The first week of February saw a lot of the new year’s sentiments from early January come around again for round 2. For our friends over in Asia, it’s literally the Lunar New Year! With all the updates and information being thrown around the game, there i...
