sql server - Convert Decimal to String in T-SQL - Stack Overflow (優活健康網特約記者許家瑋/採訪報導)性生活品質的提升,是許多民眾關心的議題,市面上針對男性重振雄風的方法有很多種,有塗抹、用藥及手術等,然而相較提升女性性生活品質方法卻少之又少。整形外科李久恆醫師表示,日前有一位50多歲剛停經的女性,仍有頻繁性生活,但隨著年齡增長,女性荷爾蒙大幅減少,使其有陰道I have a decimal column in a table defined as decimal(8,3). I would like to include this column in a Select statement, convert it to a varchar and only display two decimal places. I can't seem to f... ... An example of your data and especially what you wa...