
Van Speed limit ? - PistonHeads - PistonHeads | Cars for Sale | Car News | Motoring Forum颱風季節給您最良心的建議 不讓愛車變泡水車的預防措施: 一、「預防勝於治療、重於修理」請大家在颱風預報來襲前,就得未雨綢繆,避免將車輛停放在低窪或排水不良的地區,以免大水一淹,而來不及搶救,最好預防策略應該是「敬水而遠之」。 二、開車行駛經過積水區時,應該先了解實際水深,如果懷疑水深超過車內地板門緣Just wondering about this. At various points on the A55 the speed limit is shown as this rather than the more normal NSL sign. Does this mean the limit is 70 for vans too, or does the restriction still apply? I'm guessing the answer is "No", as HGVs could...


Is there a LEGAL limit on Exhaust Noise ? - PistonHeads●N55引擎遠超過360hp不是難事●真男人的雙門跑車線條●價格肯定比CLA 45來得貴●國外上市日期 2015年Q1 每當看到2 Series和1 Series就想到一個陳年老笑話:有天學生去求系主任不要當掉他,因為差這一科他就要被雙二一(提醒忘記什麼是二一的人,二一就是該學期1/2學分被當光,第On another Forum a member is getting hassle from a neighbour about his Janspeed Exhaust waking him up at 4.45 am every morning and has got him all stressed about legal limits. So what would a LEGAL Decibel limit for a 1996 2 litre car with aftermarket exh...


Piston FAQ: Read if you are thinking about buying them! - NASIOC颱風天愛車免緊張 購買一部轎車少說也要五十萬,在開了三年之後起碼也還有二、三十萬的剩餘價值,眼看著自己的財產泡在泥漿中,甚至被水沖走,連「渣」都沒有!任誰都無法接受這種事實,本文教你如何在年年都有的颱風威脅中,讓愛車能安度颱風夜,並全身而退。 第一條 謹慎選擇棲身之所平日即需居安思危 颱風過境時,動Piston FAQ: Read if you are thinking about buying them! Built Motor Discussion ... And believe it or not, this whopper still isn't finished yet! I'm still waiting on a few additions and corrections from various sources....


ATTENTION: LWRCI Piston Gun Owners - The Firing Line Forums每年於義大利Lake Como舉辦的Concorso dEleganza Villa dEste骨董車展,長久以來吸引的不只是經典車愛好者角逐最佳車款,各品牌也會選擇此地做為未來重要車款的首發場合。今年壓軸好戲輪到Lamborghini和Mini貢獻,而義大利國寶Zagato也一定會插上一腳,那就是ATTENTION: LWRCI Piston Gun Owners The Art of the Rifle: General ... This reflects the concept that somehow we can buy weapons that don't need a lot of maintenance. Their mechanisms, despite what the user might think, require periodic inspection, cleaning...


AP Racing CP5200 4 Piston Calipers | Demon Tweeks從1999年的X5到接下來的X3與X1,可看出BMW對SUV市場的佈局向來眼光精準,2008年推出的X6更是神來一筆,獨創的SAC(Sports Activity Coupe)休旅跑車概念為它開闢一塊屬於自己的獨享市場,如今,隨著M.Benz計畫推出性質相同的MLC,擺明對準全新二代X6而來,可以預This brake pad shape is to suit AP Racings' CP5200 4 Piston racing caliper. There are various brands and compounds available to suit a wide range of applications such as trackday, short distance circuit and endurance racing. The brands that are currently ...


maximum piston speed? - Engine & fuel engineering - Eng-Tips 看完以後你還敢一開車就吹空調嗎?(網路圖片) 有車的朋友們要注意啦,有個實例顯示出病症都是由不注意的小事引起的。許多人總是早上一開車就關緊車門打開空調,但是,這種習慣可能會帶來巨大的致命危害。 研究表明汽車內部的儀錶板、沙發、空氣濾清器、油漆以及塑膠製品都會持續釋放出苯及甲醛等有害物質,特別是長時in my quest for more useful knowledge i am wondering what kind of piston speeds are the limit? i know some of you guys out there deal in F1 and such. i had jott ... hmmm i thought "Ps" was the constant for piston speed as found by the lithuanian scientist...
