Samsung Galaxy Tab 2: How to Take a Screenshot 最近阿Sa和阿嬌 ,有着姐妹般的默契,紛紛登上微博的熱搜,阿Sa新戀情曝光,阿Sa通過新浪娛樂獨家回應:「現在好開心,多謝關心。」坐實這段新戀情。阿嬌瘦了衣品也直線飆升,終於對得起她那盛世美顏了。 &nHow to take a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 ... Taking a screenshot on the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 really couldn’t be easier. Most devices require you to hit a button combination of some kind, but on the new Galaxy Tab 2, they’ve put this feature ri...