Tablet computer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia系上曾有一個女孩子站到台上來演講;面對台下的一群同學,這女孩子很緊張,她用顫抖的聲音說:「我……我實在長得不怎麼樣,不過, 我長得『設備齊全、各就各位』!」這女孩話一說完,全班同學莫不哄堂大笑。現在,人家說一個女孩子長得很「賢慧」,可能會有別的解釋。什麼叫很「賢慧」呢?就Slates [edit] A slate's size may vary, starting from 7 inches (approximately 18 cm). Some of the models in the larger than 10-inch category reside the Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 12.2 at 12.2 inches, the Toshiba Excite at 13.3 inches and the Dell XPS 18 at 18....