BMW 七人座SUV豪華旗艦版X7,賽道偽裝測試照被捕獲
advance search - IBS Electronics - Electronic Components Distributor BMW 新一代旗艦車型SUV X7是建立在CLAR模組化平台上,也提供傳統燃油引擎與電氣化的車型選擇,預估排氣量將可能搭載達到3.0以上的汽、柴油核心動力,並且將有可能會採4.4 V8雙渦輪,6.6 V12引擎規劃,這次也特別選定在冰天雪地進行偽裝測試之後,在紐柏林賽道檢驗新車的性能IBS Electronics Services IBS Electronics was established in 1980 in Southern California. IBS Electronics is an ISO 9001: 2008 certified authorized franchise distributor and a global leader in the delivery of innovative electronic components and logistic s...