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Tai Po - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 最近,如何吸引你的心上人1、5、9 三個數字不同的排列順序,你會選擇哪一個? 測試看看,最近兩週內,你要如何吸引你的心上人? ------選好答案再往下看測驗結果------159:猶豫,只會讓愛情冷卻 從這數字看到的是愛情的行動力,選擇這個數字,顯示你在目前的這段關Coordinates: 22°26′42″N 114°10′12″E / 22.445°N 114.170°E / 22.445; 114.170 Tai Po /ˌtaɪˈpoʊ/ is an area in the New Territories of Hong Kong. It refers to the vicinity of the traditional market towns in the area presently known as Tai Po Old Market or T...


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