List of bus routes in Taichung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 開車當然要小心啦!我相信很多人都會想要有一台超炫或是自以為開車非常猛的車主吧!不管是改車還是駕駛技術超強,今天就來介紹這些無厘頭的車主們,他們或許駕駛技術很強,或許真的很窮但又很想大改自己的愛車~MABEE提醒:開車還是要注意安全,以下只是純屬搞笑請勿模仿啦~ 這台SMART還願意讓The bus routes in Taichung includes city bus lines belonging to Transportation Bureau, Taichung City Government and highway bus lines belonging to Directorate General of Highways, MOTC. All of the routes are charged according to the mileages. Taichung Cit...