List of bus routes in Taichung - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (圖片取自 一年一度的七夕就要來了,又到了“秀恩愛”刷屏的時候,孤苦伶仃的單身汪們,一邊怒吼“秀恩愛,分得開”,一邊看著中國男女比例105:100在絕望。還要承受當下美女配醜男不爭的事實,真是令人搥胸頓足,欲哭無淚啊! 小編十分體恤單身汪The bus routes in Taichung includes city bus lines belonging to Transportation Bureau, Taichung City Government and highway bus lines belonging to Directorate General of Highways, MOTC. All of the routes are charged according to the mileages. Taichung Cit...